RomanovRussia.com is a specialized web site devoted to Russian Imperial antiques and objects related to the family of the last Czar.
The reign of Nicholas II (1894-1917) is associated with the zenith of the Russian decorative arts. It was the epoch of Faberge and Neo-Russian style. Until the beginning of the 18th century, Russian art developed in isolation of the rest of Europe. By the late 19th century, however, its repertoire had absorbed Western European tastes and craftsmanship practices, infusing them into a thousand year old Slavonic art tradition.
During this period, there were two cultural capitals in Russia, namely St. Petersburg and Moscow. Objects produced in St. Petersburg (then the capital of the Russian Empire), were intended for the refined aristocracy and closely followed the styles of the 18th and early 19th century, frequently surpassing the quality of originals. Conversely, Moscow produced pieces in ancient Russo-Byzantine traditions, for the most part admired by the merchant class.
After the fall of the Empire, a huge number of objects in precious metals were melted down to produce the first Soviet coinage. The bullion used to strike tens of millions of silver and gold coins between 1921 and 1924 had its primary source in confiscated silver and gold. This explains the rarity of gold and silver wares of the period on the market today in general, and of larger and heavier pieces in particular.
An unknown number of fine objects from private collections ended up in state museums. Almost everything of value, ranging from jewelry to books, went to the state vaults. The 1917 Revolution and the Civil War almost completely eradicated those items which displayed Imperial insignia, ciphers, and portraits of members of the Imperial family. In 1920's and early 1930's, the state, desperate for cash, organized a number of auctions at which porcelain, glass, bronze, carpets, books, and furniture from the Imperial palaces were sold to general public. For this reason, some pieces which belonged to the Imperial family are still available today.
Since 1998, Romanov Russia Ltd sold thousands of high-end Russian Imperial antiques and Faberge objects to private collectors, investors, art funds, and museums (including the Metropolitan in NY).
All items sold by Romanov Russia are guaranteed to be genuine antiques and of the period stated. Lifetime return privilege for authenticity. Ten day return for any other reason. Free world-wide shipping.
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